Can we take your photo?

Unmatched Athlete would like to share photos and videos of games and events on all of our media platforms, whether that be print or online. When you register to participate in a sports activity, you'll be asked to consent.

I understand that by signing the media waiver that I agree to have my child (or the youth under my responsibility) or myself, to be photographed while participating in any Unmatched Athlete event. This also extends to any photos, videos, or other likenesses to be used by Unmatched Athlete. I understand promotional activities may be made in any media even after we are no longer involved in the activities.

If I do not consent, I must select 'I do not consent'.

Participation Waiver

I recognize that there are elements of risk associated with participating in any sport or fitness activity and that no amount of care, caution, instruction or expertise can eliminate these risks. 

I understand that by signing this participation waiver that I agree to have my child (or the youth under my responsibility), and myself, participate in any Unmatched Athlete’s Club Sports Program. I hereby release and forever discharge Unmatched Athlete’s partners (including board, employees, staff, coaches, officials, sponsors, and volunteers) from any present and/or future claims (excepting willful and gross negligence claims) including but not limited to claims for physical or mental injury, death, and/or economic injury to me or the youth, which pertain to and/or are ancillary to the activities associated with Unmatched Athlete. 

I understand and assume the risks with participating in any sport or fitness activity, and I have advised the youth of these risks. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Unmatched Athlete and its partners, brought by me, the youth, my heirs or the youth's relatives against Unmatched Athlete and its partners. This indemnification includes but is not limited to paying Unmatched Athlete and its partners for any judgment or settlement amount paid or incurred by Unmatched Athlete and its partners, and payment of Unmatched Athlete’s actual attorney's fees and costs in defending the claim.

Code of Conduct you act around others or by yourself when you are at an Unmatched event

I hereby pledge to be responsible for my words and/or action while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in a youth sports event or any Unmatched activity, and I shall conform my behavior to the following code of conduct:

Code of Conduct applies to everyone:

  • Guest coaches and instructors; and

  • All

    I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not engage in any behavior that would be detrimental to the physical space in any Unmatched event, such as abusing the field, damaging the property, leaving trash, and  eating in unauthorized areas. 

    I will not use drugs and/or alcohol while at any Unmatched sports game, tournament, or other league event. I will not attend, coach, officiate or participate in any such event while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

    I will not engage in the use of profanity nor homophobic, transphobic or misogynistic language to any youth, coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

    I will not engage in theft as a coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not engage in any bullying, shaming, or intimidation via social media or any other form, against any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability.

    I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not engage in any sexual contact with any youth as a coach, parent, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

  • I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not encourage my child to engage in any behavior that would be detrimental to the physical space in any Unmatched event, such as abusing the field, damaging the property, leaving trash, and  eating in unauthorized areas. 

    I will not encourage and/or allow for my child to use drugs and/or alcohol at any Unmatched activity. I will not encourage my child to attend, coach, officiate or participate in any such event while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

    I will not encourage my child to use any profanity nor homophobic, transphobic or misogynistic language to any youth, coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee. .

    I will not encourage my child to engage in theft against any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee at any Unmatched activity.

    I will not encourage my child to engage or participate in any bullying, shaming, or intimidation via social media or any other form, against any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will encourage my child to treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability.

    I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not encourage my child to engage in any sexual contact with any youth, coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

    I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.

  • I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in any Unmatched event I will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:


    Verbal warning issued by a Unmatched board officer, coach/instructor or site representative.

    Written warning issued by a Unmatched board officer, coach/instructor or site representative.

    Suspension or immediate ejection from a Unmatched youth sports event issued by a Unmatched board officer, coach/instructor or site representative who is authorized to issue such suspension or ejection by a site representative or Unmatched board officer.

    Suspension from multiple Unmatched youth sports events issued by a Unmatched board officer, coach/instructor or site representative who is authorized to issue such suspension by a site representative or Unmatched board officer.

    Year suspension or multiple seasons suspension issued by a site representative or Unmatched board officer.