Everything we need for your household to be set up right for the year!

Member Household Intake Forms

Justin and Olanrele sit at the Unmatched Athlete welcome table. On the table are intake forms, fliers, a football, snacks, and such.
Youth, Board Members, and Parents sit on bleachers at the Ravens Training Camp, August 2022.
A volunteer and youth play basketball. The youth is about to make a basket, wears a long-sleeve black shirt, and is racially African-American. The volunteer watches, wearing a Unmatched t-shirt, and is racially European-American.
Teens play soccer, at White Oak Recreation Center Field, as part of Unmatched Athlete's Pride on the Field Day, June 2022.

What’s on the Portal?

First, the basics: register into the site by clicking ‘membership’ to complete the sports participation waiver and a photo waiver. Next, we ask for household contact info, pick-up/drop-off, code of conduct, and demographic data. Then, sign up to each events/programs, bookmark the calendar, and browse our store for some awesome swag! Note, once you’ve signed up for the membership program, we will send seasonal calendar reminders!

Form Fields:

(1) Waivers: Photo Media, Participation

(2) New Youth Member Household Contact

(3) Parent/Guardian Contact

(4) Permitted Pick-Up/Drop-Off Contacts

(5) Youth Membership Demographics

And of course, the portal offers reminder for:

(6) Code of Conduct

(7) Membership Details

(8) Schedule Reminders

Parents/Guardians, please complete our member household intake forms, including a participation waiver, ahead of your first event on LeagueApps!

Only one set of forms is needed per household.

If you’re curious why we ask for those form fields, please send us an e-mail and feel free to browse our privacy policy here.