
Recaps Recaps

Thank You! Columbia LGBTQ+ Youth Climbing Days

Hope you all had a great weekend. We want to thank everyone for showing up at our first LGBTQ+ Youth Climbing Day events in the Howard County area! It was so inspiring to see everyone (i.e. youths and adults) enjoying the sport of climbing while being their true authentic selves.

A special thank you to all the youth mentors and volunteers (Ariel, Catherine, Jamie, Nick, Sammy, Theo, Toluwa, Will and Xavia) for working with all the work you did to make both events a success.

Unofficially, we had 30 youths on March 5th and 86 (more than likely over a 100) youth who attended on Saturday! Thus, your presence and willingness to help us promote both events played a huge role in making the Climbing Days a success.

Our goal next year is to have multiple Climbing Days at the Movement Columbia location with the hope to have the first Climbing Day events for each age group similar to what we did this year.   

As you can imagine, the work never ends, so we need your help in getting the word out and attending more of our pickup games & events. So please keep an eye out on our website and social media (@unmatchedathl) for updates regarding our upcoming pickup games and events.

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Launch Game Recap

A special thanks to everyone who attended and supported our launch event on Saturday! We also thank all of our sponsors for their continued support and The Charmery for the delicious ice cream. More please? We plan on having another pick-up games event on October 30th and should have more details about it soon. Thank you again and hope to see y'all soon!

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